Dramatiker Marie Bjørn

Marie Bjørn. Photo: Zuhal Kocan

Born i 1991 in the westcoast of Denmark.

I graduated as a playwright from The Danish National School of Performing Arts in June 2019.

In 2022 I graduated as a scriptwriter from the alternative film school Super16 in Copenhagen, and I write both theater, film and prose. 

In 2020 I was Reumert nominated Playwright of The Year for my debut play Apocalypse, which was also nominated for a Special Mention in 2020. 

In 2022 my piece Du Vil Møde En Anden won a Reumert for Special mention of the year.

Marie Bjørn. Photo: Zuhal Kocan

In 2021 My play APOCALYPSE was chosen and translated through Cut the Cord Theatres New Nordic Programme. 

Translated by: Kim Dambæk
Starring: Hannah Morris og Ben Norris (UK)
Directed by:  Franciska Ery (HU) 

The first three chapters can be downloaded and read via:

In 2023 APOCALYPSE was translated into Turkish, and there was a reading of the play as a part of the New Text festival in Istanbul December 2023.

In 2020 my text JELLYFISH BLOOMS was translated and recorded into a podcast to the London-based initiative Fizzy Sherbet, who create podcast written by female playwright from all over the world. 

Translated by: Mathias Ravn
Starring: Anna-Sofie Fredslund
Sound Design: Julian Starr
Directed by: Anna Girvan

The play is followed by an interview with me and special guest Heather Anne Swanson. 

You can listen to JELLYFISH BLOOMS here:

In 2020 I took part in the New York based theatre company Anonymous Ensembles’ worldwide covid-convept ’Flight’ in 2020, with a text I wrote named LETTER TO THE WORLD 

In 2020 TIL EFTERTIDEN (Danish title only) by Ida Marie Hede, Jørgen Dahlqvist, Niels Erling and I was translated and recorded in Norway through Oslo Nye Teater.


10 questions interview with the Turkish magazine Unlimited, as part of the translation of Apocalypse from English to Turkish.

“I’ve grown up being very close to my aunt, who is a storyteller. From a very young age I’ve listened to stories from Nordic mythology. Later, I fell head over heels in love with Greek mythology. Myths are universal and seem to me as a shared heritage of human behavior, mind patterns, our subconsciousness, dreams and power to both transform and destroy. Myths show us that after all, we’re not that different. We share thoughts, wonders and struggles. But since writing is political, it’s important to be aware of which stories you can tell, because they live inside of you - and which stories you have the fine honor of being a listener to. I believe that’s very important to be aware of when it comes to the word ‘universal’.”

Interview with Cut the Cord as part of the translation of Apocalypse from Danish to English.

“In Denmark, we have a strong tradition of producing the classics, like Shakespeare, Ibsen, Euripides, just to mention a few. As a young playwright it means that I’m in constant competition with writers who have been dead for up to 2000 years. But the dead are surprisingly strong and still very popular… Not that they shouldn’t be. But I miss seeing more new plays, especially on the main stages in Denmark. I think my generation of playwrights are extremely inspiring, rebellious and conscious of the modern world with all its political questions and battles, identity policy and the need to reframe how gender, sexuality and race are represented. And I am looking forward to seeing more of that on stage.”

Hannah Morrish in an online reading of APOCALYPSE, march 2021